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One other challenge that the people of Zambulkura and its surrounding communities such as Sumanitinga, Tintariga, Boritinga, Jarigitinga, Tichirigitaba among others are facing is the lack of access to quality health care services.  The nearest health facility to Zambulkura is located in Nalerigu about 20km away, whilst that of Sumanitinga is about 35km to Nalerigu....
April 17, 2021
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Zambulkura School

Zambulkura community primary school was established in September 2018 with 235 children and 5 volunteer teachers. Before then the community had no school and all these children were not going to school. A pavilion was erected with sticks to serve as a school for children in Zambulkura and Jarigitinga communities.  Our community based NGO (RRHZ),…

April 17, 2021
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